Important! Click “Anonymous” if you want to preserve your identity. If you do not know the name of the accused person, then add “I do not know him/her” in the field “Name and Last Name”, as it is necessary to fill this field out to be able to finish the report.

Please, choose the event or irregularity detected from the next list
If you have a file such as: a video, photograph, document, or any other element which allows you to complement your report, you may upload it, as follows
File types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, mp3, m4a, wmv, mp4, mkv, pdf, doc, docx, mov, mpg, avi, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx
Maximum file size: 64M: maximum 4 files at once.
Please provide details of the event or irregularity detected, in your own words, in the following box